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Les différentes utilisations du CBD

Ce sont les petites choses qui s'accumulent, nous causant de l'anxiété, du stress et des nuits blanches. Nous avons m...

Marijuana vs. Cannabis vs. Weed

Is there any difference between marijuana, cannabis, and weed? While they are all pretty much the same, each has its own unique story behind it.

Medical Weed Vs Recreational Weed

Medical weed vs. Recreational marijuana. They come from the cannabis plant but these substances are not the same. The CBD and THC levels make the difference.

Marijuana and Cannabis Strains

Cannabis sativa, indica, and ruderalis are the three main species in the cannabis family. Our favourite strains all come from these, so what is the difference?

The Benefits of Medical Marijuana

The use of medical marijuana stretches back thousands of years. There are many positive side-effects that seem to outweigh the negative. Keep reading to see what they are.

THC Vs. CBD | Properties, Benefits, and Side Effects

While both come from the cannabis plant, THC and CBD are wildly different chemical compounds. Find out more about the uses and effects of these marijuana chemicals.

Is CBD legal in Switzerland?

The CBD market in Switzerland is booming thanks to their progressive laws. The country has a THC limit of 1.0 percent, higher than most European countries.

Le CBD est-il légal en Europe ?

Le cannabidiol (CBD) est-il légal dans l'UE et au Royaume-Uni ? Bien qu'il existe certaines restrictions, le CBD et ses dérivés, comme l'huile de CBD, sont légaux dans la plupart des pays européens.

A Guide to Shopping for the Best CBD Products

Want to find the best CBD products for your business? Take a look at our step-by-step guide to get the right hemp onto your shelves. From cannabidiol oil to moon rocks.

What is the Ice-O-Lator Technique

Ice water hash is a chemical free hash of high purity. Trichomes are separated from the plant through the ice-o-lator method. Keep reading to find out more about this amazing technique.

What is HHC and how can it benefit you?

HHC, or hexahydrocannabinol, is one of the lesser known cannabinoids in the cannabis family. It is similar to THC but not quite the same. Keep reading to find out more.

CBD for Cats and Dogs

CBD for Pets For thousands of years, humans used cannabis as medicine. Recently, hemp, the fiber-like version, has re...

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